Thanksgiving Dinner

Alano Club 312 E Taylor St, DeKalb, IL, United States

  The Alano Club will be hosting a Thanksgiving potluck dinner. Main course and traditional sides will be provided. Please bring a desert, beverages, or a dish to pass.


Board Meeting

Alano Club 312 E Taylor St, DeKalb, IL, United States

Keep it Simple – Chili Cook off

Alano Club 312 E Taylor St, DeKalb, IL, United States

Dekalb Area Alano club cordially invites you to our Chili cookoff! Bring your home-made chili and compete for the title of BEST CHILI COOK! There will be prizes for the three cooks with the most votes!     This is a free event hosted by the Dekalb Alano Club.     CONTESTANT DEADLINE Please R.S.V.P.Continue reading "Keep it Simple – Chili Cook off"


Board Meeting

Alano Club 312 E Taylor St, DeKalb, IL, United States

Dekalb Alano club board meeting has been rescheduled to: Sunday March 16th at 4 P.M.   The Board welcomes all club members to attend.