Dekalb Alano Club By Laws




November 29, 2020

ARTICLE 1   Name, Location, and Purpose

Section 1 The name of this corporation shall be the DeKalb Area Alano Club located at 312 E. Taylor St., DeKalb, IL  60115.

Section 2 The purpose of this club shall be to serve as a meeting place for 12-step groups and to promote fellowship in a safe manner that abides by local, state and federal law. By design, the Club has no interest in the affairs of the groups to whom it rents.

ARTICLE II   Club Quarters and Rental of Club

Section 1 Rental of the Alano Club facilities shall be limited to 12-Step groups at a rent established by the Board of Directors to be reviewed annually at the September business meeting and take effect the following January.

Section 2 New meetings shall require the approval of a simple majority of the Board of Directors.

Section 3 None of the property of this corporation shall be distributed to any member directly or indirectly unless it is deemed obsolete or uneconomical to repair. Literature and other 12 step materials are exempt from this article.

Section 4 The Board of Directors as elected officers of the corporation shall have the power to purchase, lease, and/or negotiate rental of quarters.  Any such action will require 5 affirmative votes.

ARTICLE III   Dissolution of Corporation

Section 1 Dissolution shall require a favorable vote of a majority of the Board of Directors. A special meeting will then be called and a majority of those present at a special meeting will be required to dissolve.

Section 2 Upon the dissolution of the corporation, it is the responsibility of the Board of Directors that any outstanding financial responsibilities are met.  After all obligations are met, the Board is to dispose of all assets of the corporation by donating to the DeKalb County Foundation and earmarked to address issues of addiction.

ARTICLE IV   Membership

Section 1 Any member of a 12-Step Group with thirty (30) days of continuous recovery is eligible to become an associate member of the Alano Club.  All rights and privileges shall be extended to an associate member as a full member except those of the vote and key privileges.  After ninety (90) days of continuous recovery an associate member may become a full member.  This status includes key privileges and the right to vote.  Key privileges will be extended to members 18 years of age or older.

Section 2 Dues for membership shall be determined by the Board of Directors and reviewed annually at the March business meeting.

Section 3 Membership dues shall be collected annually the 1st of August.  Members not current by that date shall be considered non-members.

ARTICLE V   Election of Officers

Section 1 The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and 3 Trustees elected to a 2 year term.

Section 2 Nominations of officers will be accepted from the floor at the regular business meeting in September.  All nominators and those nominated shall be in good standing.

Section 3 All members in good standing, with 90 days continuous sobriety/serenity, shall be eligible to vote.  (Ballots will be mailed out before November 1st)

Section 4 Ballots will be due back by December 1 and counted by a committee of three people appointed by the corporation’s President, and the results will be posted at the Club no later than the following Sunday.

Section 5 Newly elected officers shall take office at the regular business meeting in March.

Section 6 Vacancies on the Board shall be appointed and approved by a vote of the Board members present at the following business meeting. The same criteria to be elected apply to those being appointed.

ARTICLE VI   Qualifications of Club Officers

Section 1 Any member of the DeKalb Area Alano Club who has two years of continuous recovery in a 12-Step Program is qualified to hold the office of President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary, provided they have been a member in good standing (defined as being financially current) all candidates must be 18 years of age or older at the time of their nomination.

Section 2 Members shall have one year of sobriety/serenity to be eligible for election as a Trustee.

ARTICLE VII   Duties of Club Officers

Section 1 The President shall preside over all meetings and shall have the power to appoint committees as deemed necessary.

Section 2 The Vice President shall, at his/her discretion, be a member of all standing committees and fulfills the role of the President in the President’s absence.

Section 3 The Treasurer shall handle all Club monies, and prepare monthly statements for business meetings and a copy shall be given to the Secretary for filing.

Section 4 The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and report monthly.

Section 5 Each of the above mentioned officers shall be authorized to sign Alano Club checks.  All checks will require two signatures.

ARTICLE VIII  Removal of Officers

Section 1 Any member of the Board of Directors who is absent without sufficient excuse from 3 consecutive board meetings shall relinquish their office.

Section 2 Relapse will result in any officer’s immediate dismissal.

Section 3 By a three-fourths vote of the Board of Directors, a member may be removed from office for failure to execute the duties required of their office

ARTICLE IX  Club Meetings

Section 1 Regular Meetings: All regularly scheduled meetings of the Board will be held quarterly at 5

PM on the second Sunday of March, June, September and December.

Section 2 Special Meetings: A special meeting may be called by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors.

Section 3 Other Meeting Formats: In lieu of the regular meeting or a special meeting for issues arising which may require immediate action by the Board (Up to a ceiling of $500), with the concurrence of at least one additional officer, may submit via email the issue, or other appropriate means, the issue requiring consideration and the proposed action to be taken. A majority vote by eligible voting members by return email shall determine acceptance or rejection. The decision shall be reaffirmed at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.

Section 4 Attendance: Attendance at all Board meetings is open to all members of the DeKalb Area Alano Club in good standing.

Section 5 Motions and Voting: The privilege of introducing a motion and the right to vote on motions is reserved to Officers and Trustees of the Board unless otherwise specified by these By-Laws. Members in good standing are invited to participate in the discussion of motions put forth prior to the actual vote. Time at meetings will be reserved for each standing committee and for members to bring matters of concern to the attention of the Board.

Section 6 Personnel Matters: Any personnel matter shall be confined to a closed meeting of the Board, provided all parties to the matter are present.

Section 7 Quorum: Although all Board members are encouraged to attend Board meetings, five Board members, including at least one Officer, shall constitute a quorum.

Section 8 Unavailable Meeting Times: Saturday and Sunday from noon until 6 PM will be set aside for social activities and/or DeKalb Area Alano Club related meetings. No other groups shall meet at this time without the prior approval of the Board.

Section 9 Conduct of the Meetings: Robert’s Rules of Order will be used at all business and special meetings.

ARTICLE X  Finances

Section 1 The Alano Club shall maintain a bank account. Opening and closing of accounts shall require a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 2 The treasurer shall be allowed to spend up to $200.00 for emergencies and report those expenses at the next regular business meeting.

Section 3 Each June, the Board will vote to apply a lump sum to the mortgage if there is one and leave a prudent reserve to maintain Club Operations.

ARTICLE XI   Rules of Conduct

Section 1 No one shall use the premises as living quarters.

Section 2 A relapse, more specifically, a return to the use of alcohol and/or any other illicit drugs, shall automatically result in the revocation of all Club privileges and the return of the key, if a key was issued.  In order to re-affiliate with the Club, the criteria of membership in Article IV must be met.

Section 3 Non-Club members will be allowed in the Club provided there is a key member present.

Section 4 All children must be supervised by an adult at all times.  Some events may be deemed member/adult only by the committee planning the event.  Admission to all events shall be determined by the organizing committee.

Section 5 Any person attending a meeting, or meetings, at the Alano Club responsible for objectionable conduct may be banned, by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, from attending functions held at the club. Objectionable conduct is defined, in part, by behavior which may cause bodily harm or in any way endanger the safety of others. If at any time the safety of anyone attending club activities is considered in danger those present are encouraged to call 911 and seek immediate assistance from proper authorities.

ARTICLE XII Amendments

Section 1 Any changes in these bylaws may be suggested by a vote of two-thirds of those present at any regular or special meeting.  The proposed changes shall be submitted in writing.

Section 2 The President shall then call a special meeting to be held two weeks later on a Sunday evening at 4:00 p.m.  All members in good standing will be notified of the meeting by telephone or mail.

Section 3 A simple majority of those present at the special meeting shall be required to amend these bylaws. Provided that the meeting meets a quorum criterion, as defined in article IX section 7.